I received an enquiry through my other web site, which did not appear to be a genuine request for a coaching interview.
In fact it looked like I was being spammed.
After swapping a couple of emails with the sender I soon realised that here was an innovative way to benefit charity.
As a Life Coach I encourage my clients to explore as many options as possible in their quest to realise their dream through their own self-development.
So, out of the ‘ashes’ of a message about to go in the virtual bin, I agreed to promote the idea.
See the brief article below.
And if you know anybody who would like to change their life for the better point them to this web site.
After all it costs nothing to ask!
Sacrifice, Love and Beauty
The sacrifice we make as mothers is HUGE! We often focus on the needs of our children whom we love unconditionally and forget that we have needs also. We are women first, we need to see the beauty we have forgotten, to remember we are gorgeous and amazing!
Well, for twelve lucky ladies we are going to capture this beauty and turn this into a beautiful calendar, which will be made available to purchase. The proceeds of the sale of each calendar will be donated to one lucky winner’s favourite charity.
Go to Sacrifice.Love. Beauty on the left at the address below.