Aha Factor Blog

Just thinking about this and that

It seems a strange title for blog post on personal development and self growth.
However today I have been invaded by some terrible glitch that I am not happy about.
Hopefully I shall get to the bottom of it and ‘she’ll be right’ as they say.
We are in the grip of a proper winter this year, frosts, snow and some heavy rain. With the frosts we get very cool nights and cold mornings. And if there’s a breeze from the south, then it has an edge to it courtesy of the snow on the mountains. Of course if you love skiing, then you will be very happy indeed – providing you get the opportunity to get to the ski fields.
It certainly is helpful to get outdoors and go for a brisk walk. After a while you do warm up somewhat and feel better for having made the effort.
Like any activity, you mostly have to take that determined step to actually do it. And, so often we are glad we did.
So, set a goal, get out and about and come back refreshed.
It’s also easier to warm up that way than turning on the heaters and shivering until the house warms up!
Then make a commitment to repeat the process at least every other day. That’s what we call self growth; doing something on a regular basis that you might not otherwise do.
Who knows where you might go next?

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