As we get closer to the ‘festive season’ it is timely to quickly review how well 2011 has been for you.
For many of course, for a variety of reasons [many self caused I might add], Christmas will not be festive at all.
Whether this is the case for you or not, please consider undertaking a review.
What went well, and what did not go so well this year? What could you have done better and what lessons have you learned along the way. And will you be prepared to take the necessary action steps to ensure you do not experience a repeat of the negative stuff.
A great place to start, as with any project, is to get clear as to what it is you would like to have, be or do for the future.
Ben Stein advises thus: ‘The indispensible first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.’
Of course the more clearly you can visualise your dream, the more likely you are to begin the process of becoming more successful.
And in Sam Horn’s book ‘POP – Stand out in any crowd’; Yogi Berra cautions; ‘ If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else.’
Which in a way is the advice given in Alice in Wonderland: ‘If you don’t know which path you are following, then any path will do.’
Napoleon Hill talks about having a ‘burning desire’. A burning desire will lead you on to greater and better things. However this often requires that you get clear, you set goals and you keep going until you succeed.
You will go down a blind alley or two. You may invest in a particular programme or book or course only to discover that it was not the ‘right one’ for you. What you will have gained from this though is more clarity; you keep going with a little more certainty and determination.
That’s one of the key reasons I introduce you to selected personal improvement products and ideas.
It is my goal to be as helpful as I can to get you over the start line toward a better life – whatever that may mean for you.
It is why I am a life coach.
So remember: perseverance always wins!
Take some time out, have a good old think about things and write some ideas down. Let those ideas circulate for a while or share them with someone who knows you well; maybe they’ll have something valuable to add.
Then begin to create a plan.
Make a decision that no matter what, 2012 will be better than 2011, and 2013 will be better again!
Start the flow of possibility.
Your Coach