Here’s an extract from Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich’ from the chapter on faith: If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don’t, […]
Here’s an extract from Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich’ from the chapter on faith: If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don’t, […]
I came across this movie on my Facebook page. As it is New Year’s eve here, I thought that it is a perfect metaphor for reflecting on the year about to
As we get closer to the ‘festive season’ it is timely to quickly review how well 2011 has been for you. For many of course, for a variety of reasons [many
Time to reflect I debated with myself for quite a while as to whether I would write this article; the title might be a bit misleading coming as it does a
A lesson from Steve Jobs – it is brief – listen carefully and implement the lesson. I you don’t know what to do, send me an email.
Anthony Robbins is one of the great motivators and change creators of modern times. I have incuded a brief clip that demonstrates how getting clear will help anyone take the action
Something to ponder. Why is it that the topic of this article Personal Development and Self Growth are part of one of the biggest categories on the internet? And one of
This interesting Poem is courtesy of a friend. As I’d been writing about fear I thought it pertinent to share with you. Let me know your thoughts. Hide in the shadows