I received a prompt today. What is my calling? Can I confirm or get ideas as to what my calling might be? The Awakener appeared. What does that mean? In short, […]
I received a prompt today. What is my calling? Can I confirm or get ideas as to what my calling might be? The Awakener appeared. What does that mean? In short, […]
If one thing is certain in these uncertain times it is this: There are no guarantees in life. How many times have you heard or read this old saw? Well, it
An essential skill in coaching is having the ability to listen. To be fully focussed on what your client is saying. We listen to understand, not to reply. My reply or
I have written about this many times before. The key message is that success or the pursuit of success is a waste of time if you are unwell. Poor health limits
I often wonder why online marketers bother with their automated “cheat” sytems attempting to hijack legitimate websites in a vain attempt to divert the genuine reader and followers to their dodgy
Too many people seem to have lost sight of the need to be organised. At least to what I would consider a reasonable degree. If you don’t have a budget, you
Spending time out in Nature; this time with an Orca or two! Good for the soul. Source: Uploaded by user via PerfectLife on Pinterest